SOF resources including mailbox, locker, bulletin board, event funding, matching fundraising.
Ability to reserve rooms or event spaces
University web address
Hassle of officer responsibilities, monthly SOF meetings, bi-annual risk meetings, etc.
Rules regarding activities (travel, event catering, etc.)
Potential liability to university and officers from photos published under UTD club auspices.
Ethical concern of university resources used to promote for-profit photography.
The club will continue to meet for the foreseeable future without formal officers or official sponsorship by the Student Organization Forum. The primary website will remain Facebook, using links to photo archive sites.
"UTD" will need to be dropped from the club's title (but that would've been the case either way).
Club will remain focused on UTD students, faculty, and staff, seeking to build constructive relationships between the those groups.
Meetings will be Fridays at noon at the Multicultural Center. Some meetings will include presentations or discussions, while others will be all picture taking. Bring your cameras. Bring your friends.
-As a group, address monthly "topics." A member may be asked to coordinate each, including topic-related guest speakers, trips, "assignments," and critique sessions.
-Have occasional challenges and friendly competitions.
-Make arrangements as a group to secure special photo ops (early admission to museums, supervised admission to rooftops, etc.) and/or discounts.
-Formalize critique sessions, inviting faculty and professionals to participate.
July: portraiture
August: street/candids (note Welcome Week, freshman events)
September: event photography (note Labor Day Anime Convention, Plano Balloon Festival
October: dark/macabre (note Halloween events)
November: TBA
Awesome notes thanks!
Thanks for the notes Doyen.
Do you guys think we should make flyers during welcome week?
If we are I nominate Nguyen to design some.
As for the events, the Plano Ballon Festival is from September 17-19, 2010.
For the anime convention it starts September 3-6, 2010.
Hope to make this a better year with everyone.
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