I proceeded with test shots to get lighting down, posing not considered at this time.

I guessed a shutter/ aperature combo. I first used 1/1000th at f8.0 but the image came out too dark. ISO is at 200 since that is as low as my D70 will go. I used an SB-24 @ 1/4 power diffused on a silver 43" umbrella.
This is my second frame, this time at 1/1000th and f4.5. The image is too light this time because of the open aperature; it caused too many highlights on the shirt.

This is my fourth frame. 1/640th at f 5. I got the lighting settings down in 34 secs. I subtracted the time between the 4th frame and 1st frame as indicated in EXIF -- this is an instance where I would not need a light meter, of ANY KIND! Any adjustments made afterward was to change the ambient lighting, or feel of the atmosphere.
I asked Sheila to tighten up her scarf, move hair to one side, and some other details, but not all, and then took this picture. 1/500th at f 5.
Thanks, Sheila.
Hi..new to this group. Stopped by your last photo shoot..briefly.
Hey man. Keep checking back at this site for our next meet so we can get together and more about each other.
Hey Long, got some questions regarding this shoot:
1) As far as I can remember, Nikon D70 can only sync up to 1/500 of sec, how were you able to sync up to 1/1000 of sec?
2) When is the next meeting, and where is it going to be? Is it possible to shoot somewhere indoor this time??
Looking forward to meet up with you guys
Hi Joe,
It is possible for the D70 to sync as high as 1/8000th with flash.
It requires a certain type of sensor activation and shutter mechanism.
Thus this possibility depends on camera make/model. It also depends on the method of triggering your flash.
More here:
Our shoots can definitely be indoors. It seems our scheduling varies depending on who is willing to model for our shoots.
Keeping tabs on through FB seems to let everyone know what is happening.
some of these photos are unflattering, lol
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