Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Lead up to our next shoot

In discussion with comrade Hubert about a Halloween type shoot in the near future,

Hubert: hm, i was thinking sometime at night so we can get some scary looking pics in the darkness. There's a forest-like park nearby [my friend's] house. We could even do it both times?

Long: Not too in the dark, I'm afraid there may not be enough BG light to help separate subject from BG.

In fact, if we wanted a dark, low-key image we can simulate that indoors with indoor lighting. Say we are working in a hallway with florescent lighting throughout the ceiling, ON. A setting like 1/250th and f11 should kill the ambient light, leaving just flash to work with. With indoors, we can use gels with 100% effect. I mention gels because when I think of these kinds of shoots, I think red background (Or whatever color which may help emphasize the subject). Doing it indoors helps bring out the red effect because there is no ambient light outside contaminating the colored lights.

If doing it outside, I hope that there is outdoor lighting to let burn in the image. Otherwise, my idea of a park, like you mentioned, would turn our photos into something very similar to a studio shot where we just have a lit subject in front of a black backdrop.
I'll have to browse the flickr site for night lit portraits to get some inspiration. Remember the fish building shoot?

Okay, to answer your original question. I'll have to think about whether or not I can do both times on Friday. I'll get back to you on that.

Oh btw Hubert, I posted on the radio popper blog update (from sept 10) that they need to give an update on their product. You should comment on their thread too so they know what we want.

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