Friday, June 18, 2010

A-kon and random things

Really late post but here are somethings I have done over the summer with Nguyen and Long.

A-kon 21 (more here)

Still life (more here)


Ryan said...

Cool new car! I've been wanting to take some pictures of my car. Too lazy to actually go out and do it. + I'd have to clean my car beforehand.

Maybe y'all can help me one of these evenings :)

John Q said...

Yea its Nguyen's new car

Doyen said...

Beautiful shot! How'd you get such bright reflections? It looks like a giant softbox on the front and side.

John Q said...

Nguyen and I didn't really do much we just experimented on the positioning of the flashes and their power.

We put one on the back left side pointing on the body of the car, another one on the left side almost at a 45 degree angle, and the other one on the right side.