Thursday, November 19, 2009

Off campus shoot planning III

Pick up your discounted arboretum tickets from the Comet Center in the Student Union. If you want, we'll figure out a way to carpool since parking is charged per car. Parking passes are paid at the gate of the arboretum parking lot. We turn in our tickets at the entrance of the arboretum lobby.

Saturday the 21st, we will go in announced as student photographers so we won't be charged the professional rate. Bring gear that you think you will need.

I understand that not everyone can make it for the entire duration of the shoot. So there is no set time to meet. Arrive and leave as you need.

Ultra-huge disclaimer: All individuals are responsible for the care of their own equipment and personal safety.

Did I miss anything? let me know in the comments.

1 comment:

Alex C said...

Why is there a Dillard's across the street from you?