Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lighting and no lighting

Natural lighting. 85mm 2.8

SB-80dx @ 1/4 + .7ev power
on reflective umbrella

No lighting at all. But nice silhouette.

More here.
I still have a lot of self-improvement left in the posing area. I'll try to bring a printed version of the lighting file next time.


Ryan said...

good lighting/no lighting demo, but the one with lighting is a bit over expose. Not too much fill was needed for that particular shot.

Long N. said...

Yeah, the highlights detract attention away from the subject. I was too happy using 2.8. F4 would've fit nicely.

Nguyen said...

natural lighting just so beautiful :D

Cara said...

You picked a good spot this week!I'm very happy with the colorful fall backgrounds in my pics. :)