Ai Vuong and Sharon Park
I was able to get Daniel Song (club member) out to take photos with me on this shoot. You can see them at: The models are a couple of friends of mine. Generally all of the people in my photos are friends of mine since I'm trying to take photos of people I'm familiar with. Anyways, we decided to go to the urban reserve, because I saw a nice picture of it in Paper City Magazine. Unfortunately it wasn't completely built yet, but it was intestering enough.

Model: Sharon Park
Comments: So Sharon has a scarf and she decided to tie it around her head and I also had a plastic pirate sword in my car for some reason and we had fun with it. :)

Model: Sharon Park
Comments: Although there were a few beautiful houses there, we decided to take pohotos in front of this reflective trailer.

Model: Ai Vuong
Comments: Ai decided to crawl into this and injure herself, hehe.
Max Roycroft and Kenneth
Eugene Lee (Club Member) went with me on this shoot. You can see his photos at . We took photos of Max Roycroft and his son, Kenneth, around the downtown Rowlett area.

Comments: I used one strobe for this at 1/8th power. The nice ladies at Fronce' Frog Boutique allowed us to take photos inside their store.

Model: Kenneth
Comments: I grabbed a toy chainsaw from Max's house for the photoshoot and luckily we found an area with a bunch of broken trees.

Comments: Eugene is hiding in the back with a strobe pointed at kenneth to achieve this type of lighting.
Amanda Phi
Eugene Lee (Club Member) went with me on this shoot. You can see his photos at . We decided to got o Los Colinas for this shoot.
Model: Amanda Phi
Comments: I think this is where a snoot for my strobe would of come in handy. Anyways, thanks to Eugene Lee and Laura Cromartie for throwing leaves, hehe.

Model: Amanda Phi
Comments: We used some mask that I bought from an italian sculpture store.
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